Working on contest scoring software

Recently, I have been working with a team from the Northern California Contest Club to write software to score and report the results from the California QSO Party (CQP). This has been chewing up all my programming time, so I haven’t had time to make improvements to the azimuthal map program. I hope to get back to it again after the contest scoring software is done. Thanks for the suggestions.


Why Ruby?

Ruby is wonderful.

Why do I use Ruby for ham related tools? First of all, Ruby is just a great language. To me, Ruby has the best balance of readability and concision. I’ve written in a lot of languages, and Ruby is the best of the lot unless performance is a big concern.

Ruby has the right libraries for the job. First, it’s a big web language, so it’s available from most internet hosting sites. It’s got a library to parse CGI arguments, so it can be configured from a web form. Ruby also has a PDF writer library that helps create PDF from scratch without any other tools. Generating PDF is convenient for everyone Windows, Mac, and Linux.